Fog plant oasis

Namib Desert 2022-2023
Atacama Desert 2023-2024

How can I get water?
How can I survive in an arid environment?
What can we learn from nature about that?

Namib Desert

Field work

To see is a leaf of the Stipagrostis sabulicola grass, during a fog event in the Namib Desert


Plant analyses

Analysis of functional morphology helps to discover the mechanisms used by the plant to collect atmospheric water


Gain in knowledge may even assist in socioeconomic structuring of future oases in a sustainable way. For a) water recovery and economization; b) establishment of efficient recycling systems and  c) associating different organisms in order to improve living conditions in a hostile environment

Fieldwork in the Atacama Desert, to learn about new desert plants, make new research partners and look for places to develop our work.

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Field work

T. landbekii with a climate data logger

Plant surfaces analysed bei SEM

To see are the scales on the leaf surface


Use the morphological characteristics of plants to develop prototypes capable of harvesting atmospheric water and using it in agriculture and as drinking water

Fog Plant Oases - University of Tübingen pilot project

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Epiphytic plants living in the treetops have no access to water from the ground. This is why they have developed several strategies to capture and economize atmospheric water ...

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